
Scraping 25M Shopify Products: The Struggles and Lessons Learned

Have you ever thought about building a search engine for e-commerce products? Imagine being able to search through millions of products listed on …

The Biscuit Approach: Reinventing Authorization Tokens

In the world of authentication and authorization, JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) have become a popular choice for many developers. They offer a stateless …

Australia's Ban on Engineered Stone: A Necessary Action to Protect Workers

Australia has recently made the decision to ban the use of engineered stone, citing severe health and safety concerns. The decision, made by SafeWork, …

A Pure C Implementation of Go Channels 🔄📣

Go channels are a powerful feature in the Go programming language that allows for easy and safe communication and synchronization between concurrent …

The Enduring Impact of Checks: From Uttering to Clearing

Checks have a long history and have shaped the way we handle financial transactions. From their origins as a means to reduce systemic risk, checks …

SMERF: Streamable Memory Efficient Radiance Fields

Introduction In the world of virtual reality and real estate, a groundbreaking technology called SMERF (Streamable Memory Efficient Radiance Fields) …

Dropbox AI: Opting Out and the Trust Dilemma

Dropbox, a popular cloud storage and file sharing service, has recently come under scrutiny for its third-party AI partner access to user data. This …

Ad-Free Cities: The Beauty of Visual Space

In a world where advertisements surround our every move, from billboards on highways to neon lights in crowded city centers, it’s easy to become …

CLI and LLM: An Unexplored Synergy

LLMs (Language Model Models) and CLI (Command Line Interface) utilities may seem like an unlikely pair, but they actually complement each other quite …

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS: Enabling Frame Pointers for Debugging Bliss

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, the latest long-term support release of Ubuntu, is set to enable frame pointers by default. This decision is expected to have a …

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